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Modern day trends for the Special Day

Modern day trends for the Special Day

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Will weddings move away from the more traditional side and become more modern as we enter 2023? Here are some predictions of some potential future trends that will take over classic wedding day traditions as we move into the modern world.

 Who knows what 2023 will bring, will the post pandemic wedding boom attract a different approach to the way that we currently do weddings? In this article we will evaluate the possible changes that could take place to the very traditional wedding day, to become more of a modern day with modern trends and ideas. For example, the change in the traditional wedding attire, the layout of the day, potential guest list alterations, taking sustainability and the environment into account, new traditions and finally there is a question of whether the idea of bridesmaids and maids of honour become more unisex? Read this article to find out more on the approach that 2023 may take. 

 The change of the traditional wedding attire 

 Commencing with the change in the way people dress at weddings, whether it be a twist to the dress code, the grooms in different colour suits or the shift away from the traditional white long wedding dress for the bride it is safe to say that due to current clothing trends, there will be an alteration some way or another in the way people dress in the weddings of the future. 

 Potential changes to the traditional wedding dress like the brides wearing suits, pearls, bows may take place in the upcoming years 

 Bridesmaids or bridesmates?

 In the upcoming years it is thought the bridesmaids will become unisex. In this modern world it is questioned why the sex of the bridesmaid matters, can’t it be a brides…mate? Also, it is estimated that from 2023 onwards, couples will go against the tradition of single sex pre-wedding celebrations, they will just invite their friends to celebrate their marriage with them regardless of the sex. 

 Guest list

 The pandemic forced the nearly weds to have a limited guest list, so that the spread of the virus was limited, not too many people were allowed to be invited. For some, it was hard to cut down to so little people and may have ruined their dream of having a big wedding, for others however, it may have aided them in un-inviting people that they didn’t want to invite originally and may have felt forced to. In 2023 and onwards it is thought that guestlists will become more and more selective, to make sure on their special day, they are surrounded with their favourite people, no one who they had to force themselves to invite.


 Although traditional weddings will always continue, 2023 may bring changes to a few aspects of the wedding, dress code, guest list and ceremonial traditions may change in the future to ensure that the couple have the day that they’ve always dreamed of, instead of conforming to rules and regulations. 

 At BlogForBride… we have the perfect plan, however and wherever you want your wedding, just contact us and we can get it organised. 


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