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Somber Ombre

Somber Ombre

Confession time… I don’t like ombre. Ombre clothes remind me of the crazy tie-died 80s and for some reason, I hate ombre hair. I just couldn’t get my head around the hair trend (that’s not an awkward turn of phrase!) the first time I came across it and subsequently never came to terms. I did however love Lindsay’s post on Watercolour Wedding Inspiration, and these two trends are not dissimilar, actually you could say they’re interchangeable. It’s all about gradient, whether that’s merging two different shades or fading to white. So I convinced myself I needed to create an ombre wedding inspiration board that I actually liked and here it is. And ok, ‘sombre’ probably isn’t the most accurate description of the shades here, but it sort of rolls off the tongue so I went with it! And then I threw in a random zebra.. But he’s kind of ombre too, isn’t he?

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