I hope you all had a good weekend! I have a feeling the next one is going to be pretty busy for most of us- finding it hard to believe that this day next week is Christmas Eve. I really enjoy the whole holiday festivities (em, and the holiday as well of course!) We are traveling home to Dublin today from the US so I’m excited and can’t wait to see everyone. I haven’t checked the weather yet but am assuming it will be cold. After looking out for images for this inspiration post, I won’t really mind coming back to the cold though as I think winter weddings are just so pretty. (And who knew there are so many things you can do with pine cones?) I came across the flower arrangement in the urn below and just love the pretty kumquats, limes, orchids, narcissus and jasmine used to make up the display. Forest green, gold, orange and white make a lovely Christmassy palette –

I do love red but I find it can be a bit visually overwhelming sometimes. I threw in a splash of purple instead just to mix it up bit. I love these real bride’s purple shoes below, although not sure I’d be able to manage that heel all day!