We’ve another amazing “travel” themed shoot for you today and I must admit, this one has been sitting in my inbox for FAR too long. I’ve been dying to show you. All the way from Atlanta in GA, Ashley and Jon from Fixed Focal captured these uber-cool engagement pics for Lauren and Bryan. Lauren and Bryan have been together for 7 years and thanks to Bryan’s job in the music industry, they’ve been lucky enough to travel the world together, on more than one occasion (not jealous at all). For them, it was really important to incorporate a travel element into their engagement shoot which is why they headed down to McCollum Airport for the day. There were just too many pics to cram into one post, so guess what.. you get two. So sit back, relax and enjoy this flight.

Don’t they look so great together? I love the way they weren’t afraid to wear bright and vivid colours, it screams personality. I’m really into Bryan’s tie, lots of fun!
We asked Lauren and Bryan when was it that they knew they had fallen in love. It was quite simple really. Lauren; “When I couldn’t stop saying “I adore you” and when he shouted “I freaking love you!” so loudly it echoed through his loft!
Lots of flying meant plenty of layovers and Bryan and Lauren used to kill time by playing “diehard” games of the card game, Uno. What a smashing idea to include it as part of their engagement shoot!
Enter Vintage Luggage and the look is complete.
Enjoyed today’s post? Well it doesn’t end here. Tune back in next week for our second installment when Lauren and Bryan turn all ” sexy international spy” on us.
Submitted Via Two Bright Lights