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The Photo Trend You Should Leave Behind At Your Wedding

The Photo Trend You Should Leave Behind At Your Wedding

Wedding exit - Blog for bride

You should keep your wedding as you like it, but some wedding vendors have certain things to follow that make life easier for everyone on the big day. 

Same-sex couple - blog for bride
Photo via Pinterest

These are not set in stone rules, nor are they out-of-date, but by following these next steps, your wedding photos will have some flare. 

Stop this trend: Bubbles while leaving the ceremony

“We shouldn’t have bubbles?!” This sounds a little bizarre, but allow us to clear things up… 


Wedding vendors hate to hear that a couple wants the guests to blow bubbles on them as they leave their ceremony. How come? Here are some reasons why:

  • High chance of a camera lens being covered in bubbles. No photographer wants a camera covered in bubble suds, and considering any of those bubbles could pop on the camera lens, this makes this trend a wedding photographer’s worst nightmare. Any photos could be ruined, especially if the photographer can’t clean the lens regularly. We mustn’t forget that photographers must work quickly during these moments and just focus on getting the couple their perfect ceremony photos, not worry about the camera lens having bubbles on it. 
  • It can be hard for the photographer to get their work done and focus on the couple when there are so many bubbles everywhere. Obviously, you would expect a wedding photographer to be able to create a magical atmosphere in their photos even in the worst conditions, but why make it near impossible when you can control certain aspects of their job? If you want the biggest chance for success, make their life easier by not having bubbles as you leave your ceremony. 

Some Alternatives

Couple with flowers - blog for bride
Photo via Pinterest

There are more environmentally-friendly alternatives that will be perfect to replace bubbles at the end of your ceremony. These will make your photographer’s job much easier in the moment: 

  1. Dried flowers
  2. Birdseed
  3. Lavender
  4. Paper confetti
  5. Rose petals
  6. Dried leaves 
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